OpenSplice Java FACE API  v7.x
OpenSplice Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Java API

A DDS Java implementation API for the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) API

Getting started

If you are new to the FACE API we would recommend that you start by looking at the documentation provided by the opengroup:

A summary of examples, along with build/run instructions can be found on the Examples page.

In order to build and or run applications that use Java FACE the library ddsface.jar needs to be in the classPath. This libraries can be found inside the $OSPL_HOME/jar directory.

API documentation

The namespaces below contain all of the major functionality of the Java FACE API.

  • FACE
    • provides facilities for Initializing, Creating and Destroying a connection Getting Connection Parameters and Unregistering a callback. It also facilities Type specific funtions for for Sending and Receiving data. This class is generated by idlpp.

DataType generation:

Idlpp can be used to generate Java datatypes and methods for the FACE API. The option -F is used to generate the FACE specific code.

Example command for code generation from the idl Foo.idl for standalone Java:

idlpp -S -l java -F Foo.idl

The FACE specification prescribes that an enumeration is mapped to a Java enum class instead of a normal class as used in the OMG IDL to Java 1.3 mapping. If your datatypes contain enumerations, the enum mapping can be enabled by using the '-o java-enum' option:

idlpp -S -l java -F -o java-enum Foo.idl


Default all errors that are reported by the FACE API are collected inside ospl-error.log. This behavior can be changed to directly logging to the commandline by setting the OSPL_FACE_LOGGING environment variable to true.

The logging can also be filtered by setting a log level. This level can be set by setting the OSPL_FACE_LOGGING_LEVEL environment value to one of the following values:

  • SEVERE (highest value)
  • INFO
  • FINE
  • FINEST (lowest value)
  • ALL (log everything)

By default the level is ALL.


A zipped version of the JavaDoc documentation for JavaFACE can be found inside the $OSPL_HOME/docs/face/java directory i.e. ddsface-doc.jar.

To use this jar inside Eclipse do the following:

  1. Right click over the Project -> Build path -> Configure Build Path
  2. In the new window, go to the "Libraries" tab.
  3. Select the library ddsface.jar and expand it.
  4. There are 4 child options. Select "Javadoc location" and click the "Edit" button on the right.
  5. Now the ddsface-doc.jar can be added. press the "Validate" button to check everything is ok.